Who's Been Eating Off My Plate!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My life as a social worker..

Over the past months, i have been wondering if i am in a profession which is suits me best. I am constantly moody these days, suffer from bad neck and back aches, insomniac, lethargic, edgy, find no time to groom myself, suffer from multiple layers of eyebags despite that SK ii miracle water i am using and most of all, can't find time to do the normal activities normal working adults at my age do. Watching tv is a luxury. Having a neat closet with clean clothes is a luxury. taking a long bath is a luxury, spending time with my loved ones is the biggest luxury of all which i cannot find time to indulge in.

For many other people who do what regular people do, whether it is working in an office, being a doctor, engineer, or running their own business, life seems simpler, and more clear cut. There are clear cut rules and regulations, they can anticipate the worst case scenario, and anticipate the possible solutions to their daily problems. Make no mistake that i am not trying to undermine what regular people do. I think everyone has a purpose and a form of contribution to the society they live in, be it big or small their contributions. I envy people who have that kind of job, because everything has a form of solution. 

Today, i was chatting with a friend for a brief 5 minutes, my luxury time to sit down and enjoy my cup of water without the phone buzzing away in my office. And i was relating to her why i felt stressed over the case of the 10 months old baby we couldn't find a viable solution for. The situation seems to simple for damage control. But the obstacles which seemed so unreasonable and ridiculous stood steadfast in our way. It pained me. It made me sick to my stomach that someone would treat a 10 months old baby this way and yet, i feel powerless though i try and try and try. 

She mentioned to me that what i was doing is great. (yeah right considering i am not much of a help) and that she could only imagine what i have to face everyday at work. That jocked up my thoughts, why should i feel so helpless when compared to the families of those who are more distraught in distress? Do i have the right to self pity myself over my powerless self? Maybe i am not doing enough, focusing too much on how it is affecting me. Bernard told me once that i should leave work at work. And getting too much into it will just break me eventually. Unfortunately, that is a luxury too! the simple at of leaving work at work. 

I know of many other people working for the government. And Non- Government-Organisations. Some seem happy after working hours, some have the luxury of leaving work at work. And i wonder, is it because i do not know how to delegate efficiently, or do i just have bad problem solving skills although i facilitate problem solving classes for the refugees? I am still finding that answer. 

I am faced with broken people everyday, knowing deep down inside that i won't be able to help 9 out of 10 of these people. Why am i still fighting this losing battle? THAT! i found the answer to.

I can pretend that the rest of the world is doing their best. And trying to make this country a better place. Be optimistic in life and assume that when things are out of control, i have already done my best. This way, a can live a long and fulfilling life, knowing that i have already done my best, and leave the rest up to God, the government, the system or whatever bullshit. I could be an average typical malaysian, who lives for my life only.

OR, i could be the one who doesn't walk away from other people's pain. Who strives non stop even when the situation remains hopeless. Who doesn't let fear and failure distraught me. Who is realistic and does not ignore situations just because it did not happen to me, and to somebody else. I could be insomniac, lie awake thinking of possible ways to do my job more efficiently and never give up. 

No one said it would be easy.. But i think i'd go with option 2..  :) 


mz.jane said...

Hey babe!
was briefly reading tru your entry.

Well, you know i thought i was the weird one being so grumpy,moody & lethargic by the time i get my ass home frm work.

It's like wen i reach home, i automatically switch to "grumpy" mode. But i slowly learned to understand that it;s the stress & work load i get that makes me this way. and it felt so weird cos it seems like i was the only one feeling that way u know..

now i found my partner :p


Charlo Fay said...

Howdy partner! haha
Well, yeah, it's weird to feel moody after a long day of work, even when i do enjoy my work, it's hard to not switch to the moody mode.

makes me like like im having PMS all year long... Not good not good...

Cheers babes.

petejakarta said...

don't know if my comment would be through since 've never commented to any blog in my entire life...

found u by accident when trying to locate one long lost friend with key words like: murray, kuala lumpur....

did not find that murray...but surprisingly found this murray that i've met only 3 times without knowing her last name...what a fate

then all of a sudden i 'fell in love' with this gal....such youth..such energy...such beauty yet full of brains....such wonderful choice of words...such imperfection...such spontaneity...such care of people's lives...

in short, one hell of a gal....which planet is she coming from....??

who says you can't admire much-younger minds??

keep it up, not ever give up...ever...this rotten world needs more people like you...

you may not realize it at low times, but you touch people's lives and you DO make a difference...

peter from icmc jakarta, if you recall... :)

Charlo Fay said...

Peter!!! Of course i remember you! OH my read my blog?hahaha... sheesh, now i got to ba careful kan bout what i say since my "boss" is reading my blog... Hahah.. jz kidding. Anyways, Do give us heads up when ur coming to kl again. We'll surely bring you out for a good drink or two.

Take care peter. My regards to all back in Jakarta who had been soo kind during my short trip. Thank you for the kind words... :)

petejakarta said...

hey charlene,

too late! am already a new 'fan' of yours...haha..

please do not let my being your reader blocks you from being so creative and spontaneous...

keep writing....with your quality one day you'll publish your best-seller...who ever knows??

keep dreaming...and reach for the stars, girl..!!

peter. one cloudy smogy gloomy jakarta morning :)

Charlo Fay said...

Hey peter, you mentioned you were looing for a murray from kl and was a long lost friend, just curious, because if this "Murray" ur looiking for is Malaysian, he just might be related to me. My family is the only malaysian eurasian family with the surname Murray. If you don't mind, whats the name of the guy you are looking for??

petejakarta said...

hey cha-le-ne :)

so u mean u're related to the famous tennis player??

nope, charl, my friend happens to be a brit guy based in k.l. long ago...lost track of him now...

speaking bout eurasian...kind of attracted to their culture a lot...used to walk around katong area in s'pore which is famous of being a eurasian enclave...

have a very small eurasian community here too in jakarta...somehow i feel they are a bit similar to the hispanics in the US....don't know exactly...but they are definitely unique...

have u written bout eurasian culture so far? if you haven't, please do...

at the tip of your 'pen', it is always surprising....just can't wait...

bye for now...take care..