Who's Been Eating Off My Plate!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

There is a "List"!!!

" In Politics, What Begins in Fear, Usually Ends in Folly"

So there is a "list". A "list" where if your name happens to be on it, you can be charged under the Internal Security Act (ISA). Whilst nobody knows if the "list" truly exists, it doesn't really matter if it does or does not anyway. Because fear has been instilled, regardless of whether it is a rumour or not.

Rumors have it that the "list" contains names of bloggers that are on the watch. Bloggers who are a wrong word away from being thrown into detention in the name of National security. How comforting is it that we are being protected from malicious liars who are instigating racial disharmony and seem to have an opinion of why Malaysia's stock market is starting to drop below the 900 points mark? (rolls eyes)

So besides losing the freedom of speech, we are losing the freedom of opinions. Might as well make us China, where everything is filtered before it reaches the public so that a "culture" can be preserved.

Someone wise told me today that Revolution is never a pretty thing. But the fruits of a revolution is always sweet, as proven throughout history. People who are willing to support a revolution are not just daredevils or rebels. They are called humans. The classification which separates us from animals. Beings with spine and fully developed brains. Malaysia has never been through a revolution. I suspect many are still not ready for the change. The few that are, are now crippled with the fear that there is a "list". Gosh... and we used to criticize the CIAs. Sure....we're very different.

The next few months might just be as bad as its rumoured to be. How many more innocent people with an "opinion" will be arrested? Or do we not care? Because we're malaysians what.... Tidak Apa Attitude is our identity. We're like the famous three monkey figures (See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil). Only in this case, we are not doing it out of what we believe. It is out of fear.... Ye Man of Little Faith!

If there was a new government, will life really be better for those who have it bad now? Will the privileged really have to compromise their privileges and embrace equal rights? Will there be a change in human rights? Will it really boost our economy? Will we achieve Wawasan 2020?

Well, i guess we'll never know...Ye man of little faith......