Who's Been Eating Off My Plate!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

In bangkok

i have safely reached Bangkok, I am here with internet access so yay yay hippee hooray!! But the only sad part is, i haven't been to the city and from what i heard, i will have approximately 24 hours to tour bangkok city for the entire 3 weeks... NICE....

Oh well, things are good. I am a little homesick because i didn't leave on a good note.. I was stressed out all week over work that somehow landed on my desk without any prior warning. So it wasn't that i wasn't prepared enough, i had no choice but to be stressed and anyone who knows a stressed out "charlene" would know that i can be a real bitch at times...

Hope all is well, its the beginning of my course today and i've just found out that i will have a 3-4 days exposure visit before i travel to chiangmai for the rest of my course. Now that i know, i am partially excited, partially torn. Out of the options which i have to only choose one, i really want to go to two places!! garrr

Firstly, i have the option of visiting the Maesot Camp for Burmese refugees in Thailand. This is an extremely rare opportunity considering that to enter the camp for non related staffs of the camp is virtually impossible.

Second option is to go to the mountains in northern thailand to live with the indigenous tribe people. These people have no citizenships and are a conflicted community. However, the mountains they live on is said to be an extreme beauty. It is cold, nature at the best raw form, and it is an experience that i can learn from too.

What do you think? which one will you go for? share your views with me...

Cheers...Thank God for internet....