After the whole ordeal of losing Nala, i was somewhat glad i managed to sneak away for the weekend to have a well deserved rest at Perhentian with close friends and family. It was a "Cousins" trip. The Murray family have a history of adopting friends into the family circle. =) The more the merrier anyways!

Ten of us made it through the freezing cold bus ride to Kuala Besut, where the air conditioning was malfunctioning and freezing us to death. The bus ride took 7 and half hours. We reached at 5.30am, had breakfast, and started our journey to the beautiful Island of Perhentian.
As usual, the Murray family & co. never travel without drama. First there was problems with the sitting arrangement. Then it was the area of where the chalet was located ( the happening beach on the other side of the island which was a 10 minutes trek was fully booked). Then, it was the walk to the chalet which was quite a distance from the beach. Then, it was because the chalet looked too posh. Sigh... HOWEVER......With glitches here and there, we managed to have a surprisingly pleasant trip.

Being the usual " i dun wanna get burnt" type of person and having a judgemental Chinese mother who always asks me "Ha mi su lu aneh OH" (translation from Hokkien: Why did you become so black?), i swore to stay away from the sun. I loaded my bags up with 3 bottles of sunblock with different levels of SPF.
Once i got there, it was a different story. Truth is, I'm already tanned but i love the tan sunbathing provides. I was always jealous of gurls who looked like they were born in Islands. But Malaysian culture, fair is beautiful. And of course i want to look beautiful. So shoot me! i am vain!
I frolicked in the sun, enjoyed every moment in my bikinis, thread my toes in the clear water with pure white sand. I had the most awesome holiday with Bernard. It was our third holiday in 2 and half years! And it was good...

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