Who's Been Eating Off My Plate!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bloggers on the watch

The following is a 25 July 2007 capsule report from CIJ, a SEAPA partner in Malaysia:

"In recent months, the Malaysian government's rhetoric on punishing "irresponsible" bloggers is being translated into reality. Websites and blogs have been targeted one after another, and on the flimsiest pretext. The axe seems to fall on a particular group of bloggers and online writers who take due precaution, including identifying themselves, moderating their postings and checking their facts. Their predicament challenges the government claims that these writers disseminate lies and rumours and calls into question the government's real motive.

All these blogs and websites share a common thread – they write about corruption and misuse of power by top leaders of the government."

Above is an excerpt from an article someone sent me. One thought ran through my mind, fuck freedom of speech in this country... freedoms of thoughts could also get us into trouble these days.

It's alarming how we are not even entitled to our own thoughts. If someone publishes "statistics" that are ambiguous or incorrect, it is only normal that they should anticipate some trouble coming their way.. That's why research is important in the blogging world..

However, now as Malaysians, we cannot even say what we think. Even if we quote is under clauses and perfectly make it clear that it is our private self-generated "opinion". Because we have a "perfect" country, we must be wrong and hence receive punishment.

An entry that a fellow blogger wrote yesterday sparked an interest of mine. He had to reluctantly remove one of his post as it had caused mayhem among some students in the school he taught in.

I was wondering to myself. Why must we cave in to other people's perception on what we should think or write. Well, that's the correct thing to do of course, to minimize the harm that is already done. But what about what we think. It is bad enough we do not have the freedom of speech, now even our freedom of thought has a leash on it. Yes Malaysia, you're one step away from micro chipping us from birth and bugging every corner of our homes. Or have you already?

Even secondary school students are aware of the loopholes in our law to get us into trouble. WHat is the world coming to? or rather, what is Malaysia coming to?

As parents or parents to be, we should be aware of our rights to bring up the next generation. Otherwise, please don't have children. As a kid, i used to comment on the news when i thought something was clearly manipulated and plain bullshit. My parents used to tell me to shut up, otherwise i'l get charged under ISA. I used to laugh at their exaggeration. Of course being the rebellious child, i never stopped my habit on analyzing what i hear before determining whether it is true. That's why i landed in psychology and communications.

As an adult now, being in a profession where i have no choice but to question the efficacy of my country's law, i understand that my parents was right. A small absurd thing can get me arrested, they weren't trying to scare me, the absurdity is reality.

I cannot say for sure if i'd want to stay in Malaysia for good in the future. I always told bernard, I'm staying here because of two reasons. One is because i'm the only child to my parents, and secondly because i want to be a part in making Malaysia a better place. I was foolish and optimistic.

Now i'm resolved that i cannot stay here, and watch what the country is coming to, especially not having a chance to be a part to help change it. This is AGAINST my conscience. It's Malaysian culture to "close one eye" and i'm sure many of you will beg to differ to the way i think.

Especially if i have children, i will never allow my conscience to bring them up in Malaysia. I love the food, i love the culture, i love the people, i just don't like Malaysia's version of democracy..


Jarod Yong said...

I cant agree more with you on the topic...
But as educated citizens we can tell the truth in a 'different' way...
A way that only the educated can understand...
Like Jesus did with his parables.

As for the post I removed, it was mainly because the post was about someone else.
I can defend MY opinions but I dont want people to assume that MY opinions mirror those of my friends.
My blog was getting popular around school so I did not want my friend to get into trouble because of me.
But of course, after we finish our practicals, I will return the post to its rightful position on the internet!

Charlo Fay said...

It is admirable that you have such patience and you would happen to be the fewer good that is left in our society to choose to believe, rather than to judge. =) I can never be like you.. blame it on the nature of my job

I love my job, but every second i've spent in it.. I learn to see how the country is flooded by corruption, incompetence and the lack of humanity. While it's best for me that i keep an open mind, i simply can't. Not for now at least.

But nonetheless, good job! i think you have a better head on your shoulders compared to me! =)