Who's Been Eating Off My Plate!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Syiok Sendiri...

Have you ever wondered why smelly people do not know that they stink. Or fat people do not realise that tight revealing clothes that show off their barrels are not at all flattering. Or people who brag don't realise they are bragging, Or people who are supposedly expert in a field do not realise when they come along as obnoxious and a "insufferable know it all"?

Well, this post is by far the most politically incorrect post that I have decided to put up on my blog. Many will crucify me and take this as personal attacks. But I assure you, it is just my opinion, and perhaps an individual flaw of my incessant need to judge. But this is my space, and I have all the right in the world to complain as much as I want to. After all, that's what a personal blog is for isn't it?

I think everyone has a side of syiok sendiri that we are not aware of. I thought hard last night, and dug deep and found my side. So before i shoot my mouth condemning the things people do, i'll start with me. I have the most annoying habit of 'sharing what i know' which might come across as being an "insufferable know it all". While my intentions are not to heave my posterior up in the air and act smart, i realised i do come across as a person who is constantly trying to outdo others and prove my intelligence. I am also a stickler when it comes to what i perceive is 'right and wrong'. I am very resistant to challenges of my mindset, and will argue till the cows come home to prove my point. I am also one hell of a "laser mouth" and sometimes suffer from verbal diarrhea especially when my emotions soar. There is hardly a censorship board in my puny brain, and sometimes, i regret saying things that I have said aloud. Having said all that, I am sure that i just as much suffer from the "syiok sendiri" syndrome that I accuse people of having. But the thing is, I am not afraid to admit that i have flaws and acknowledge that I should change the way I communicate with others.

I wished people told me all the above about me to my face. I might be offended for a while (after all, no one likes to be criticized) but it would help me be a better person and be less syiok sendiri. But it's considered politically incorrect to tell someone they are obnoxious, fat, smelly, annoying, a self-proclaimed diva, or an arrogant bastard. At least not in a serious matter of fact way. The truth is, it's always politically incorrect to be honest and blunt. Because everyone likes to think that they are perfect the way they are.

If you know a person who is an object of table topic ( not in a nice way), there's a big possibility that they suffer from "syiok sendiri" symptoms, and since I am over-bearing and an "insufferable know it all", i would encourage you to rip the bandaid and tell the person what you think of him. After all, if you are a true friend, you would point out his/her obvious flaws that makes him less of a desirable company.