The "Minimalist" is someone who finds clutter to close for comfort. They like things in place, they like owning only necessary items. And most importantly they can't stand decorative and vibrant colors. They're seen as organised individuals, with a specific direction and aim in life. They're technical, rational, moderate and conservative. They fear to commit themselves to more than they are absolutely sure they are able to handle. Taking chances are an insane suggestion.
The "Excessive" is someone who loves to decorate and finds an empty space cold and inexpressive. They like buying "just-in-cases" and decorate their space with color and character. Subtlety is not their strong suit. They are generally messy, or have an organised mess. It is all about owning the space and making it their comfort zone. They are happy-go-lucky, feather-brained and live in the moment. They are believers of mystic and magic and sentimental fools.
There is nothing wrong with being "either" "or". But it's a clash of personality when a "minimalist" and "excessive" comes together....
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