Yes it is alarming that people are brutally murdered in this country. Burning, rape, arson, snatch thefts and robberies gone wrong and even gunning. Is there really a possibility that Malaysians are becoming increasingly aggressive, or is it just a more transparent media reporting trend?
But there is definitely one more element that has made it to the top of Malaysian's increasingly aggressive behaviors, Killing out of malice..
The recent killing of the 9 dogs in Banting made even the meanest pet-haters shocked. Shocked by stupidity, and shocked by how incoherent the act had to do with the murder case of Sosilawati and her three associates. Perhaps the authorities/neighbours and people surrounding the area were expecting the 9 dogs to eat grass, or what might say, live on rain and sunshine. Even our basic human instincts tell us that when we are hungry, find for food. The fact that they started killing poultry and livestocks to feed their hunger after being left unattended, meant they were only trying to ward off their hunger.
I see this as a personal attack to weaken a man who is yet to be proven guilty. Regardless of whether he is guilty of murder or not, the killing of the animals were pointless, cruel, despicable, disgusting, and really SHALLOW.
I feel ashamed to be Malaysian...
Who's Been Eating Off My Plate!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Murder solved by Malice Murder- Thats the way WE work! Kudos Malaysia
Posted by Charlo Fay at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
"The Hallelujahs"
Disclaimer: I am by no means, an agnostic or atheist. Nor am I anti-Christ. In fact, I am every ounce a believer of God..
If i wrote a book of jokes, quoting my parents on how every worldly disaster is related to the lack of faith in God, I would be rich by now. All in the name of God.. And yes, I'm being cynical. Last year, my mother had dengue fever twice. On both accounts, i had to literally drag her to the hospital to seek treatment. Then one day i understood why she was refusing treatment. A pastor came to our house to pray for her, and told her that God will help her get well, even if she didn't want to go to the hospital. She had been "cult-tized". My instant impulse, was to chase this man out of my house. But instead, against my "better" judgement, it told him that was the stupidest thing i've ever heard anyone say. There was a pin drop silence. Before the pastor left, he told me he would pray for me, i was pretty sure he was referring to my lack of faith in God (rolls eyes). Needless to say, my parents straight away started praying for their daughter who had gone astray and towards what they assumed was Satan's light.
I have been brought up in a home where my parents were moderately liberal when it came to religion. They allowed me to choose my denomination, and never pressured me into doing church activities. But somehow over the years, my parents became the radical ones.
I cannot stress enough on how much I HATE overly "hallelujah" churches and its' goers ( i call them the hallelujahs). They are pushy, whinny, preachy, judgmental and downright ridiculous when it comes to common sense. I might be walking on thin ice now condemning the "hallelujahs", but what the heck. My "God", understands what i'm getting at.
This is what I think. I believe that beneath the exterior of the overly pious and faithful "hallelujahs" is cowardice. The inability to deal with the challenges that life throws them, so they hide behind a veil of invisible protection, and stay in denial by simply accepting that everything is "god's will". They are afraid of manning up, and dealing with the pain and trials in life, so they quote God in everything that they do. They mask their desperation and despair by assuming, that what happened was a result of a better plan which is in store for them. They sit back and let disease consume them, because they are terrified of trying and failing, and most importantly having to bear responsibility for anything that goes wrong. It is easier to blame it on someone else, or to blame it on God. And then you have some others, who mask their corrupted practices, by claiming that its God's blessings. They pray incessantly and praise God incessantly, hoping deep down inside that God will forgive them for the bigger sins that they are hiding in their walk in closets and bank accounts. I don't know which God they worship, but the God i know, is not one to be bribed.
There are different ways of being God's servant. Not just evangelizing about Him and hoping to gain brownie points out of it. Some hallelujahs, are the ones who drive huge cars and live lavishly, and yet refuse to offer help those in need of food and shelter. Some other hallelujahs, are the ones who are too lazy to provide for their families, or to be useful people in society, and claim that they are happy with God's blessing. THAT, is disgusting...
I'm not saying that there's anything wrong in laying your lives into God's hands. But to sit back and do nothing, and expect miracles, is defiling the one special gift God gave us, the freedom to choose and to rationalize.
My concept of God may be flawed at times, some might say because of my lack of faith, but I have no doubt that He knows my allegiance to him.
There is no difference from the so called "muslim-terrorists" and "overly-pious christians". If you really want to take the Bible literally, then there is no difference between "murder" and "being judgemental". They are both sins...
Posted by Charlo Fay at 5:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Something Finally to be proud of..
I felt disappointed today. Because to all my fellow Peninsular Malaysians, today is just another holiday courtesy of the need to draw in more votes for a certain party.
I am not a patriotic person simply because I don't find the need to be patriotic for the sake of being patriotic. I hate blind patriotism. It's the easiest way for a nation to meet its doom. But today is different, for once I actually feel an ounce of pride swelling from my tiny chest, and a bigger disappointment oozing out of me..
See, today is Malaysia's real Birthday. The real day which hold the significance of history being made. The real day all three individual governance came together and said, let's be one. Yes we have celebrated Merdeka for 53 years, but that was the day the national parade was held, and the legendary Tunku Abdul Rahman stood in a field of peninsular supporters bellowing Merdeka to a newly formed nation. That is not historical, I'm sorry to say that.
It is kind of sad that Peninsular Malaysians are welcoming today as another added holiday in our yearly calendar. This day holds no significance for them. It's sad because this is the day, we acknowledged what we have casually bypassed for 53 years.
So to my fellow Peninsular Malaysians, celebrate today, in spite of the reason this day was decided to be commemorated for voting reasons. But embrace today as the day we stood as one nation, the day where our forefathers decided to let their personal interests slide aside and put Unity as the top of the agenda to start their lives anew.
Today is historical, because without today, 53 years back, we would be a squatter country still, without reaping the benefits of natural resources which our fellow Malaysians across the South China Sea has so graciously allowed us to use for the benefit of our economy. Without today, we will be hardly even, a progressive country!
Happy Malaysia Day everybody!
Posted by Charlo Fay at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Home: Day 1
I sat in bed till 3am yesterday, thinking.... Wondering what is my plan B should either one of my parents pass on.. It's morbid, It's scary but it's something I have to start planning for, even if it's probably something that will happen only in 10 years time..
I have plans. A plan of being paid well for what I do. A plan of climbing the ladder. A plan of moving to a colder country. A plan of owning my own restaurant and being happy doing it. A plan of having a house where Piggy can have a lawn to bask in, instead of basking behind my dilapidated blue suede couch. But all those plans are constantly on a halt, or not doable because of responsibilities.. In short, being an adult sucks...
I am thinking of a time where I lived and planned my life without having to consider those around me and how my decision implicate the ones i'm "responsible" for. In school, i studied hard to get grades to make sure my parents weren't ashamed by judging uncle and aunts. In pre-u, i dated a guy who wanted to plan my life and my future, and stood by as he imprisoned me in his fantasy world for 3 whole years. In college, i worked for money to sustain my monthly allowance, so that my parents wouldn't worry and so that I could make a trip halfway across to globe to visit a loved one. Needless to say, the trip never happened because i needed food more than a love affair holiday. When I started working, i working hard to pay the bills, provide for my family, sustain two households and a dog. 4 years down the road, I am still struggling, have no savings, and have people pressuring me to get hitched soon. And to date, I'm still left with nothing.
Yes I am spendthrift in one way or another. I like buying things for myself to soothe my self-loathing. Because thats the only way I know how to, since all my other plans are on a halt. But if you look at it, what I spend on myself is hardly extravagant. Yes I like nice smelling soap and a haircut which doesn't make me cry everyday I look into the mirror. I love clothes because those are the small comforts I can afford to make me smile each day I look into the mirror. And no I'm not strutting Ferragamo or Gucci, so technically, rationally, I'm still being moderate.
I'm 27 and if i'm unlucky, I'm half way through my life. And yet, what have I done for myself? Nothing actually... Do i have a choice, not really either...
Being an adult, only child, NGo worker sucks somehow.. But alas, I'm not willing to give up the only one thing which is my passion. To work for a noble cause.. Because that's the only thing that keeps this pathetic life of mine going..
If there's anything i'm not, it's being selfish.. Maybe it's time to be more selfish, and live the life i always wanted to..
Posted by Charlo Fay at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Minimalist versus The Excessive
The "Minimalist" is someone who finds clutter to close for comfort. They like things in place, they like owning only necessary items. And most importantly they can't stand decorative and vibrant colors. They're seen as organised individuals, with a specific direction and aim in life. They're technical, rational, moderate and conservative. They fear to commit themselves to more than they are absolutely sure they are able to handle. Taking chances are an insane suggestion.
Posted by Charlo Fay at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Hitch Hitch Hooray...
So I cruised through high school and college being somewhat popular. People liked being seen with me, I had boys chasing after me, sniffing my berry shampooed hair when I wasn't looking. Everyone looked at me and said, "she's kahwin material"
So here's the thing, a few days ago, I started browsing through FB and found a few long lost friends. There more I browsed, the more friends I found, the more I got addicted to kepoh-ing into their pictures and status. So most of my friends who have grown up watching me date and talk about boys and wondered if they'll ever find someone to love and love them back, are all hitched. These are my dorky friends who have probably secretly harbored crushes on pretty boys in school without ever daring to even mention about it. I remember my best friend crying to me in her first year of college, that she still haven't kissed a boy. She's a proud mother of a 1 year old son now.
How did everyone suddenly grow up and how did time pass me by without me realising it? Now don't get me wrong, I don't see it as a competition. It's ust ironic that most of my friends who started dating earlier than me or somewhat around the same time, are either single or not heading down the aisle anytime soon. You would think that the more frogs you kiss, the sooner you'd find your prince charming. Apparently not. Now most of my single ladies are reduced to saying, "the good ones are all either taken, or gay".
While I send out congratulatory messages over FB to long lost friends who have recently tied the knot or received the birth of their first borns, I'm sitting here thinking, what would my life be if I was "less" popular in school and didn't kiss so many frogs. I've been conditioned to believe that "marriage" is over-rated and should not be chased after. And I guess in many ways, I am very comfortable the way I am, attached and unavailable yet not legally belonging to someone else. Perhaps I want to get married someday, but for me, now's not nearly the right time.
So here's a BIG congratulations to all my friends who are getting hitched, and to those who are already expecting the arrival of their firsts or seconds. I cannot be happier that you have found your true love! Congratulations to those who have recently become proud mommies! It's a chapter of life I'm so happy that you get to experience! I am truly genuinely happy for you girls. :)
And to all my single ladies out there, attached or unattached, Just because you are not married yet, it doesn't mean that you have plotted your own downfall ( don't listen to your mothers!). Singlehood is worth celebrating and embrace it with a simple fact, you expect more out of life, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with. :)
And to my soon to be hitched girlfriends out there, stop dissing the unattached or unhitched ones.. You need bridesmaids after all, and we make excellent ones! :)
Posted by Charlo Fay at 10:53 PM 0 comments