After 3 more batches of utterly failed attempts of baking macaroons, the current count stands at 13.... 13 failed attempts! 9 different recipe variations! 8 different temperatures! and 13 different outcomes! but none of which looked anything like a shell of a macaroon. People were complaining about not getting the "feet" for their macaroons (tiny jagged edges around the shells). Mine??? I'l be doing my flamingo dance if it would just stay hard and not flacid the moment i take it out of the oven.
SO yesterday, I played house with Bernard's friend's wife. While the two boys were shooting balls in the basement, I, the one who taught Bernard how to play snooker, was playing house, whipping eggs and measuring almonds n aging egg whites. All because i couldn't take the lying down of not being able to make a successful batch of macaroons. I mean seriously, HOW can it be possible???
So i slogged in the kitchen while his friend's wife was trying to decipher why my macaroons went all flacid and soggy once they were left to dry and waited like a maniac in front of the oven for every batch, hoping hard that "this" might be the batch that works. As both of us cracked our heads over the possibilities that lead to failure, bernard calls me from the basement and politely weasels his way into getting me to send a couple of cans of beer.
When i came right up, I sat down with "miss baker" and chatted for a bit. Halfway, i lost my train of concentration, as i was still obssessed over my macaroons. When my attention finally shifted back, she was already talking about living with her in laws, getting used to not being single, children and when to have them, and how to train your man to be submissive but in a counter-antagonistic way. And then, she started giving me advice about things to think about before tying the knot and a few other things even I'm too embarassed to mention.
My mind was screaming "Whoah lady, whatcha talking about?" I mean, I genuinely saw her good intentions and why she would think that we are alike, and she is one person i can gabble with non stop without awkward pauses. But thats where the similarity stops.
The fact is that, SHe is MARRIED, and I'M NOT. FULL STOP....
I don't really know if I can actually explain them into words, but our conversation was as if i was already or to be married, so i could share her trials and hopes and dreams.. But the point was, i just wanted to talk about why my macaroons died on me, all of them.. It was like a woman talking about the 9 months of pregnancy with me. I can't relate to that! I haven't been through that, so i really can't tell what kind of morning sickness is worse or whether piles or varicose veins suck.
I think alot of people just don't get me. They assume I'm alike just because I'm probably the same size, age, shape or own the same mental capacity as themselves. To each to their own, I for one, am peculiar as a martian. I am, in a nutshell, an anti for establishments.
Not that i think all establishments have are exploitative or founded on purely monetary gains, I just don't like establishments because there are rules and regulations, and I for one, cannot be bounded down. It's a gene thing, I swear.. If you are pro-establishments, then you are subjected to all the rites of rituals the establishments consider necessary to be a successful person.
I love planning for trips and holidays, but thats as far as the planning goes...
Maybe thats the reason I'm so addicted to making macaroons, because I keep failing.
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