You know.. people say we never stop growing. We try to stabilize, but it's human nature to rationalize situations and decide where to go to from there. It's part of life to decide which turn to make, which road to take, which decision to make. Therefore, technically, as long as we are not brain dead, the learning and self-growth doesn't ever stop.
This is probably the reason why married couples fall out of love, courting couples lose the zest of their passion, people take up new hobbies all the time or why we can't just stick to the same color shirt, same model of car or same food everyday. We grow. We learn. We take the next step. All our damned lives.
You know who are the unfortunate ones? The people around us. The people who loved us for the person that we were. It's not that they don't grow too, it's just that they want us to stop growing.. And thats part of life too! We want to evolve indefinitely as a person, but we like our surroundings to be familiar, stable, traditional, unchanged. Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about keeping secrets, I'm talking about being aware of change, and how there is really no such thing a "foundation" in human ties.
You think you'd know someone, but then something comes pounding you over and over again on the head like a meat tenderizer mallet, and you realize that, the time has come and the person is moving on, whether you are going to be ready or not. And the person is no longer the same person you knew. He has learnt, He has grown, and you might not be part of that plan..
Life is a bitch....
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