It is November and my Christmas tree is already up! Some say its too early but i guess it's never too early to bask in Christmas joy.
Two days ago, Kathy and me did some major spring Cleaning. Since we decided to foster a kitten Eddy found on the street before we found a good home for it, the house has been in a bigger mess than ever! On top of that, my clothes are perpetually lying on the two seater couch because i just could never find the time to fold them up neatly in my cupboard. Bless my housemates for putting up with me!
Anyhoos, we decided to put up the christmas tree. As we took out the tree box, trimmings and lights, we treated ourselves to some cream liquor, while christmas carols were joyously blasting from the speaker in the hall.
Here are some pictures of our two additional helpers in putting up the christmas tree!

The Final Product!

Mistletoe piggy

Kitty in action

Perfect Family

Piggy's way of showing love

Kathy the human christmas tree
It is always great fun to relinquish on early Christmas cheers! Hope you guys are in the midst of putting up your trees too!
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