Beauty icons are often remembered for their ability to posses both brain and brawns. It is hard enough for a woman to look pretty and be able to speak well. That is why beauty icons like the late Princess Diana, Jackie O Kennedy, Angelina Jolie and Audrey Hepburn are legendary beauty icons.

Angeline Jolie- UNHCR Ambassador

Princess Diana

Jackie O Kennedy

Audrey Hepburn- Unicef Ambassador
It’s sad that out of the billions of female population across the globe, there’s only a handful of intelligent beauty icons. Beauty icons are different from the usual supermodels or actresses. Their beauty does not fade away with age. They are far from just a pretty face. The difference is usually that people actually respect beauty icons and not merely lust for their outer appearance. Their beauty is effortless. That’s why they’re legendary.
I was reading a featured article in The Star today featuring Amber Chia, our very own Malaysian Guess “mascot”. When Amber Chia made it as the new asian face for Guess, pride swelled among Malaysians. It is not everyday we see a Malaysian woman make international headlines. As far as I can remember, Michelle Yeoh was the only one. Correct me if I’m wrong.
However, I feel that Malaysian celebrities or models should be given speech and social skills training prior to embarrassing themselves in interviews especially. They say women can multitask, I’m sure it’s not impossible for a beautiful woman to juggle between looking good and not running off her mouth like a retard. Many local celebrities lack communication and language skills and often say the most embarrassing things unintentionally. For example, years ago, when Siti Nurhaliza was asked at a radio show which was her favorite body feature, she said “My nipples”. Of course what she meant was dimples
Back to the article Amber Chia was featured in, Amber was asked to talk about her RM2million home in Old Klang Road. Truth being told, I’ve seen way more beautiful houses, or either the photographer purposely took ugly angles of her interior. I also felt that the article was written in a rather crude way which came across to me as cynically humorous. The writer seemed to have quoted Amber without editing her vocabulary and tenses. The quotes that were put into the article seemed to have conspicuously mocked her intelligence “literally”! Here are some of the excerpts
She says….
“ I have looked at many different properties in the Old Klang Road. I am an expert on property developments in this neighbourhood. I know of all the developers since I have surveyed about 50 properties here” wow.. fifty houses sure makes u a self-proclaimed expert Amber, well done!
“I will soon air-condition by balcony to turn it into my study. I think I will be the first one in Malaysia. You think I should use V-Kool to laminate to cover the glass roof? When I visited a friend in London, his balcony was enclosed in glass. It was so nice to sit there.” Eh? I Thought u were an expert in properties? Surely you know people in Malaysia have turned balconies into studies decades ago? Sorry for burst your bubble but you won’t be the first…And by the way, London is cold so it is necessary to enclose your balcony if you choose to hang out in it my dear.
“My room is very me…If you come into my room, you will know I am a model.” Wow.. models room got difference wan ar??
“When the lawn turned brown while I was away, he replaced the grass for me. The important thing is the service” hmmm, seriously, seriously?
The writer’s punch line….
“with such a stylish home in Amber’s eyes, she prefers to stay home….” Yes I agree, in Amber’s eyes and her eyes only!
“She also particularly fancies her double-volume ceiling in her living room where a gigantic poster of her cannot be ignored even if guests close their eyes” Hahahahaha… talk about narcissism aye?
Sigh… I wonder if it even came across Amber’s mind that she was being ridiculed in her interview. Betcha she only checked to see if the pictures along with the article did her pretty face any justice. I can’t really blame the writer. I’ve met Amber Chia before at events I used to work for, mind you, she’s either too blur for her own good or dreadfully snobbish.
If there is one Malaysian celebrity whom I absolutely think is fantastic, it would be Daphne Iking. I’ve been an ardent reader of her blog. Her honesty and her ability to find humor out of her daily strides is entertaining and warm. Not to mention, she is a brilliant writer. She is down to earth, beautiful, vain, awkward and yet au-naturrel, everything a beautiful woman could wish to be.
Although sex symbols are still advertising’s number one selling point, like advertising itself, it’s only a sales gimmick. Once a fad is out, it will be replaced by something else to charm consumers. Real beautiful women are women who are sold without having to advertise themselves or being coaxed into liking them. They are timeless. In fact, men these days don’t really think much of “bikini clad pin-up girls ” anymore.
So Amber, communication lessons perhaps? Your time’s running out…
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