I never want to jinx myself. Or at least i try to be optimistic that when misendeavours happen, there'll be a silver lining somewhere after that. However, year 2008 has really put my endurance towards all types of pain to a test.. Here it goes...
Who's Been Eating Off My Plate!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Year 2008
Posted by Charlo Fay at 8:41 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
So this is Christmas
Posted by Charlo Fay at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Dirty old men...
" so how many did you score yesterday macha?"
Posted by Charlo Fay at 9:06 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Yesterday, Kathy, Raam( old college mate and ex-tutor ) finally fulfilled our promise of having a drink after working hours.
Posted by Charlo Fay at 8:09 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lost in Translation
When u wake up one day from life, be it at any point of your life, with a realization that life can never be the same again, it could be an epiphany, or a prick of conscience, or even a point to which you realize life cannot go on the way it did yesterday and the yesterdays before.
That kind of realization, gives you a surge of adrenaline, a whole new perspective in life, and the emotions and enthusiasm which you cannot suppress even if you wanted to. It is almost as if your whole life had been a lie, and confessions must be made. That, is the birth of inventions, progressions, causes and revolutions..
Many Non-Profit-Organizations or Non-Government-Organizations start off in this manner, where that ONE person decided that there is a need to address a need that has not been addressed. The cause is pure, the intentions are humble, and the fight is for the prevalence of justice.
Throughout my fight for a cause, which has been the scratch of the surface compared to many many MANY others, I’ve learnt that an organization is like a government, where they exist to address injustice on behalf of a group of people. Like majority of the governments in the world, they started out being the voice of the people, and slowly but surely along the way, lose their way towards the reason they started out in the first place. From a humble representative, they learn that with support, comes authority, and with authority, comes power, and with power, comes tyranny. So what happens to the cause? Lost somewhere in translation. They remember the people who supported them at the beginning, remember the people who brought them into the scene at the first place, but somehow, just.. somehow along the way, forget what the people really want or need, because they have learnt to value the people’s opinions lesser with time, and value their own instead. They say, Thank God “I” am here to help you, and not, thank God I am here because of “you”. NPOs or NGOs, they lose their way, just like any hungry money grubbing business tycoon. Narcissism takes over, and soon, it’s about “ me me me” What “I” want, what “I” think is right and what “I” decide… Justice ends up..Compromised.
My father used to tell me that the word “I” is the most rude word one can use. It reflects self-gratification and selfishness. Self praise is no praise. And I think that’s the biggest wisdom ever reflected in his attempt to mold and chisel my character. Even Jesus was humble enough to say that he is not alone in making miracles. Many times in the bible, it was mentioned that Jesus never separated himself from God the father, and the Holy Spirit. Same way, a government is made out of a collection of people, and so is an organization. Therefore, the word “I” should be refrained from being used, because really, it is not ONE person who has made it possible, it was everyone who worked their asses off, and not that ONE person.
Today, I prayed an earnest prayer. I prayed for the first time that God would make sure that I would not stray from my cause, from my purpose, from my dedication. I prayed that I would not end up being consumed by power, that if I ever obtained authority and power, I would use it with prudence, and for the cause I am here for in the first place. And I prayed that I will not use the word “I” too often especially for self glorification. I prayed most of all that I will never consider my profession noble, but as an obligation that every human being should fulfill.
Posted by Charlo Fay at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Christmassy feel
Well, there's not much to write, right now as im enjoying sitting by my comp, doing my work, listening carols courtesy of youtube, wishing i was sipping cream cognac, and absolutely absolutely thrilled with prospect of the 6 feet christmas tree Erni ,my boss promised us!!!!!!
Happy Happy awaiting holidays in advance!!!
Posted by Charlo Fay at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Name and Taint
The favorite part of the newspaper which i simply have to visit each time i read it is the obituary. No no... don't take it a sick way, not that i enjoy doing headcounts of dead people, but more to inform myself of someone i may know who had passed on without my knowledge. But one reason i never fail to stop at the obituary page is also because i love checking out names of people... Weird i know... who ever said i was anything less than neurotic?
Posted by Charlo Fay at 1:01 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My life as a social worker..
Over the past months, i have been wondering if i am in a profession which is suits me best. I am constantly moody these days, suffer from bad neck and back aches, insomniac, lethargic, edgy, find no time to groom myself, suffer from multiple layers of eyebags despite that SK ii miracle water i am using and most of all, can't find time to do the normal activities normal working adults at my age do. Watching tv is a luxury. Having a neat closet with clean clothes is a luxury. taking a long bath is a luxury, spending time with my loved ones is the biggest luxury of all which i cannot find time to indulge in.
Posted by Charlo Fay at 2:54 AM 7 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
A cry for life
This weeks been a crazy week. So many thing to talk about so little time. In fact, i could write ten posts with all the issues i have waltzing in my mind. But i'l just jumble them up, whether they would be coherent to each another or not.
- Lower class migrants are called migrants/domestic workers/laborers and higher class migrants are called expats. Expats are allowed to buy property, assets, have children. Domestic workers are NOT allowed to get pregnant in this country or they will be repatriated
- Babies and children are protected under UNICEF and the CRC convention which malaysia has signed, yet there is no legal protection for undocumented and stateless children. They are thrown into detention camps, held up in lock ups with or without their parents should they be caught, even if they do have a refugee status UNHCR card.
- Immigration and other departments do not hold true to their words, they can change their decision any time without issuing a proper memorandum orstatement to justify the factor pertained to changing their decision.
- You can be arrested for one allegation in malaysia and be charged for another allegation ( which you are not arrested for) if they fail to prove the first allegation to be true. For example, the immigration had no business of catching a passport holder with a legitimate permit. By right, they owe her and the embassy an apology on their negligence in checking first before arresting. However, they looked into other aspects which they can charge her with so that they can scott free from their impudence. Therefore, they tried to charge her for getting married ( basic human rights? ), which they couldnt because she wasn't legally married in court. And then they charged her for having a child illegally( basic human rights too?)
- The child or anyone who is in need of medical attention can be denied medical intervention or care at detention camps if the officials FEEL like it. There is no policy towards it to support their actions.( basic human rights denied again?) The child is also not allowed to be given diapers or milk ( as the miigration officers deem fit) by strangers.
- There is no clear cut system on what the visitation hours are like and who can or cannot visit at immigration camps. It is up to the official's discretion and how much kopi u can afford to belanja.
- The common procedure for repatriation for a migrant worker is to be sent to a detention camp where the living conditions are a bed or thorns, and then be repatriated once they have settled issues , or some say, served their punishment for their wrongdoings. Even if the person is a child or elderly, or in this case, a baby. The country embassy can request to have the person/child in shelter custody if they come to know of a vulnerable case like this. However, most of the time the embassies do not know of these cases, unless they are informed by nosy organisations as the one i work for.
- There are three types of rules in our country, regulations, policies and the law. The law preceeds the rest. Policies can be disputed by the LAW. But here, it is on ad-hoc and "suka-suka" basis. There is more than one way to manipulate the law to adhere to the policy rather than to manipulate the law to contravene the policy. Cool system yeah? Malaysians aren't that dumb i guess..
Posted by Charlo Fay at 6:55 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Our Story
It's been 4 days and i've been wondering how to piece the words together. 24th November marked my third year anniversary with Bernard. There were so many things i wanted to write about, so much of details i want to share with the world, but i couldn't find the time to sit down and do it. Now that i have half an hour before my next meeting. I shall do our story justice.

Posted by Charlo Fay at 8:21 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Ratheega and Alvin's big night!

Posted by Charlo Fay at 11:00 PM 2 comments
The City of Hell-Drivers
I spent the last three days in jb zooming here and there running errands and attending one of the most important days of my best friend’s life. Rathee, your wedding was such a wonderful event. I loved every moment of fussing around with your dress, make-up and hair. Congratulations, you did not faint during your speech! J
However, besides the wonderful event that made my weekend priceless, I resented every moment spent on the streets and being stuck in traffic in jb. Somehow, jb reminded me a lot of Jakarta, where the air is constantly grey, where you get a sinus attack should you wind down your windows while you drive and the attitude of people constantly trying to cheat you because they assume you can’t speak the language.
While I never noticed all these things despite being born and bred in this city, it’s either that I was sucked into being a Johorian myself, or that things have definitely changed over the years.
These are a few things I absolutely hate about jb;
- There is no darn traffic system. Lorries and busses take up all three lanes and speed like no man’s business. They even race with cars who overtake them
- The road system sucks. Three lanes suddenly become two without any road markings or warning. There are hardly any signboards to aid directions.
- Dirty fumes. We are not even talking bout being environmentally friendly and green. The black fumes bigger vehicles emit are downright pollution! What the hell is Puspakom for? And with IRDA coming up ( a new multimedia super corridor area likened to cyberjaya), you would think they would like to start cleaning up the area.
- Crime rates and road rage. People drive without sticking to their lanes or giving indications that they would be switching lanes. And since there is no motorcycle lane, there are motorcycles zooming in and out of anywhere as if they have nine lives. There are plenty of people out there who make a living out of purposely getting into an accident and extorting compensation afterwards.
- The roads are shit. There are pot-holes every damn where on every damn road. Even land-cruisers will have their absorbers spoilt in no time.
- People are DUH. People in jb bring unfriendliness to the next level. No one would give you directions if you are lost. If you look different or out of town, they stare at you blatantly. Subtlety does not exist in this city.
Posted by Charlo Fay at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
People say I'm BLAH!
Posted by Charlo Fay at 7:02 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Where the Hell is Matt?
I came across this video of a guy who travelled to 42 countries in 14 months in the making of a video. To me, this video portrayed that people across continents and culture can be united under a single element. Fact is, you can find many other messages in this video as you deem fit!
THIS is probably the most awesome video i've watched. take a look. It's amazing!
Posted by Charlo Fay at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My best friend's wedding
Next Sunday is my best friend's wedding. A friend i journeyed through since we were 5. It was not always merry and play for us. We used to pinch hit and scream at each another, but she is the one person i found myself stuck to till now. She is undoubtedly, my best friend.
Posted by Charlo Fay at 9:08 PM 2 comments
Early Christmas Spirit
It is November and my Christmas tree is already up! Some say its too early but i guess it's never too early to bask in Christmas joy.

Posted by Charlo Fay at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It took them over Two centuries
The change the world had anticipated all year has finally happened. America, has finally earned the right of calling herself the land of all possibilities.
Posted by Charlo Fay at 1:18 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Kejap ini.. Kejap itu...Make up your mind!
On a beautiful sunday morning where most people laze in bed and wake up only during noon, i woke up at 7.30am to get ready for a VCT training i had to attend! (VCT stands for voluntary counseling and testing for HIV)
Posted by Charlo Fay at 9:34 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
All about the oink!
Posted by Charlo Fay at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_WWlu-RdqcKA/SQpvcXvCHFI/AAAAAAAAANA/xCAOrpMp54s/s320/IMG_0433.JPG
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The "s" word

Posted by Charlo Fay at 9:33 PM 5 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Adult's blues
Last weekend Kathy and I made our way down south, to Jakarta. It was a good trip i suppose, considering the volcanic crater we visited was a sight to behold and the shopping that was dirt cheap and satisfying to the core! ( say can take the meaning of spending millions in a day literally)
HOwever, this blog will not be about jakarta. I will put up pictures and write a piece on it soon, but just not now. Somehow, i don't feel very enthusiastic about writing bout a place which gave me the worst cold-fever-cough which im still recovering from this very moment, worst airport treatment and biggest credit card bill ever.. well, not yet at least..
I realised recently more people are following my blog. It's comforting as in comparison tofriendster or facebook, my real friends are actually interested in hearing what i have to say or feel, real friends that go back way to school days, and other whom i've got to know through the blogging world. The feeling of having someone check out your blog is like comfort food. At least you know they're more interested in keeping up with what you've been up to, rather than how you look or simply to add you to the popularity list of other friends and acquaintances they have. They want to hear you, not merely see you..
As i browse through my friend's blogs yesterday, i came across a devastating news from an old time friend. Her father had passed away last month and i had only come to know of it yesterday. I immediately called her and offered her my condolences, not sure how to thread in my conversation without reliving the pain and loss. I felt guilty for not reading her blog earlier, or to call her to simply catch up because I've been having this nagging feeling of meeting up with her more than 2 months now.
Today we had lunch, coffee and had a small chitchat. And i missed having real conversations with people that mattered to me. I had a good time catching up with her and most of all, i was deeply moved by her strength and optimism in spite of losing her father.
The loss of loved ones is an inevitable rite of passage for everyone. I could call it a preordained event rather.. It is not uncommon, yet no one can fully prepare to be unhurt from this natural occurrence.
Emma said to me " We know our parents will leave one day, but just not now, you really cannot expect it, and although we know that it will happen eventually, the pain is nothing like how you can imagine or prepare yourself to be,"
Losing a loved one is a scary thought. As humans, we rely so much more on human relations. So much which hence came along the saying, no man is an island. Especially when you pass the phase of wanting a large group of friends. At this point of my life, i have very few, but very dear friends, and my family of course.
People often confuse individuals with lesser friends to be more independant. Truth is, the lesser people we have around us, the more dependant we are on that few relationships that exist. Why is it that we can anticipate anything that comes our way, but the demise of a loved one? Beats me. God's cruel joke of punishing us for the free will he had granted only to us, and no one else in the universe i guess so. As i was talking to Emma, i found out more of my friends had lost their parents recently. And it scared me greatly. Because i know that i for one, am not prepared and strong enough, and will probably never be.
If i should lose my parents at any juncture of my life, i will unfortunately only be more dependant on those still around me. And it's not as if i had not grown up to be more matured and self sufficient. It is just something i cannot accept and almost resentful over my non-existant control to change fate.
I simply can't wait for Christmas. This year, it will be just my mum, dad, two dogs and me.. I can't wait to have our traditional christmas eve quarrel which I’ve always dreaded and make up on Christmas day. Because one day, i will miss it i know. I can't wait to spend time with them and try and be an understanding daughter for once at least. My mother will turn 64 this December. She is not old and frail, but it scares me still. I want my mother to give my kids their first whack, their first lesson. I want my kids to sit on my dad's lap while he plays "this little piggy" on their toes the way he used to with me and all my cousins, i want to be there, and for once, i want to just be with them.
Posted by Charlo Fay at 8:32 PM 2 comments