It's a busy day today and where did i get the time to put up two post? Well the last one was written during the weekend but I just never had time to post it up, this one, I just thought that I would take a few minutes aside to post up something that has been bothering me the entire morning.
As I walked past a woman today draped in a power suit dragging her screaming toddler, I heard her shouting at the kid. She looked like a single mom, but was dragging the kid into a car where "daddy" was in and mentioned something about him wanting to spend the day with the kid while "mommy" had to go to work.
It got me thinking for a bit. Why does the world have to be so harsh, on women especially. I'm sure (let's assume I am right about her being a single mom, sharing custody over the kid and having to juggle a career at the same time) that this woman has a good relationship, had a happy wedding, shared her pregnancy with her husband, cried over the birth of their first child and thought that life would only get better. She probably did everything normal woman at a child-bearing age would do. She probably did everything normal women did.
Maybe I'm biased, but I think that women have to comply to more social norms than men do. Like I said, I might be biased. Women are expected to be bionic, understanding, caring, nurturing, and more while they are sleep deprived. When a kid gets attached to its dad, it because the mother is too busy at work or not a good nurturing mom. When a kid is spoilt, it's because a mother does not know how to exert authority. When a woman finds it hard to conceive, it's because "She" waited too long. When the husband doesn't have food on the table after a long day's work, it's because she is bad at multitasking.
I'm beginning to resent life and the life to come as a woman. I wish at times, I was a man, i would be cut much more slack. Not because I think men have lesser responsibilities. Only because I believe that women always cut men more slack than men do for women. In fact, women don't even cut other women enough slack.
I am always reminded by words of my mother "why can't you be more like her?" and to that, she is implying to me being unmarried, obsessed with travelling around, stuck in a job which requires me to work on some weekends, and not having a kid at this age and time. I always wondered why a woman like my mother, who is the pillar or my strength is giving me such advise. I would expect her to say, go live your dream, or something like, you are the boss of yourself. My mother gave up her education for her gambler father. She gave up her work scholarship, for my dad. She gave up her career, for me. She gave up her freedom, for everyone. SO I thought, that she might be more understanding to why I am so carefree. But these days, even she is singing to a different tune.
When don't women take charge of themselves. How much are we worth if we were to place the price tags on ourselves? I'm not saying that women should be feminists, the right balance is always better than being the extreme of either pole. But is it really wrong to do things out of the norm?
1. Why do we wear white wedding dresses knowing the color makes us fat and that white is probably the least "stand-out" color to be seen in a crowd?
2. Why do we have to work our dreams and wants around our biological clock?
3. Why do we always come across as the pitiful ones when we end up in a divorce/break-up?
4. Why do we have to be the nurturing ones, and not the stern strict ones
5. Why is it Mr & Mrs (your husband's name) and not the other way around
6. Why do we feel bad when we have to set work aside for things that unwind us? (golf= acceptable because it's a form of "social networking" for men)
7. Why do we have to have/adopt a baby preferably when we are married, if we are already ready for motherhood?
8. Why do women get alimony and not men?
9. Why does a cheating slut sound so much worse than a cheating jerk?
10. Why do we think that spinsters are much worse than old-bachelors?
Is it really wrong to want more, to be out of the box, without losing everything? I'm just saying, the reason why I live my life the way i do, is because I have enough regrets as of now, and don't want to add on more regrets for opportunities which i may have to pass....